Thursday, February 21, 2008

Catch Up Time

I'm a bit behind on the old blogging, so I'll see if I can catch up a bit here. I've been very busy with work and home stuff so spending the extra time to update this blog has been on the back burner. Here's a recap of last week's training:
Monday: Xfit - Fran
Tuesday: Ran 8 miles
Wednesday: Ran 3 miles (windy as hell)
Thursday: Ran 5 miles (Tempo)
Saturday: Ran 9 miles
Total miles: 25

This week:
Monday: Xfit - 50-40-30-20-10 double-unders and situps
Tuesday: Nada - didn't get out - boo
Wednesday: 5.5 miles - (6 x 800 @ 7.5'/mile - rest at 10'/mile)

Today, I'll probably run 4 -5 easy miles and do some hand-stand push-ups as well. Might have to go to the gym since it's raining.


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